Sunday, September 16, 2007


Me (left) my best friend Bekki this was after the show

Mama Terri (bek's mom)

Us in costume

Another One! dont you lov ethe stage makeup!!

so we spent the weekend in Astoria and for those of you who dont know where it is it is about a 160 mile drive from the naval base in silverdale... on the Oregon coast it is a beautiful and fun place to visit! This was the closing night of shanghied in astoria I was in one scene and gosh if i woudlnt have decided to have a baby this year would have been in the whole thing! but theres always next year!!! so here are some pictures i seriously wantto loose ALOT of weight after seing them even though i look much bigger than i really am i dont like how "large" i am yes i know I just had a baby, BUT ive got no excuse for not going to the gym ,,, its free!

for those who dont knwo about shanghied check it out at Hope you enjoyed teh pics... and hopefully you cancheck me out in shanghied's Topsey turvey while I play some male part! oct 29th!