Sunday, October 5, 2008

Today was a good day

I got to say something I have been wanting to say and got the answer I wanted to hear, im glad because I don’t know what I would have said or done had it been different than it was.
If you read this regularly you know that in January I was baptized. I believe that The Lord God is the only God that he gave his son Jesus so that we may one day live an eternal life with him. But I have been having a hard time with some things for a very long time. , I have wondered why god lets us suffer so much, why does he allow your life’s greatest love to be killed, why does he take peoples children to live with him to soon, why does he give a young mom with 2 babies cancer, why does he take our Fathers, Aunts, uncles and grandparents when we still have so much to learn from them. Why does he want us to suffer? Well I have the answer for that. he lets us suffer so that we will come to him, believe in his awesome power and know that he is the almighty, so we know that he loves us and will never leave us.
The past month I have been praying for strength to go forward and strength to forgive and strength to love. I thought he hadn’t heard me, that he wasn’t listening or that he didn’t care, all of this is untrue. He cares more than anyone. And he always will. I am here to tell you he does listen and he does answer our prayers. For the past 11 years I have been praying for the same thing, and this week he finally answered me. I have come to understand that he will answer you when you are ready, not just in your head but in your heart. If you pray for strength to do something you may have to wait but do not be fearful that he has forgotten you, he hasn’t. You just are not ready yet.
So I will continue to pray for strength to go forward and strength to forgive and strength to love.
I will surround myself with people who are also surrounded by God’s great love; I will be patient with God. I will love and respect myself and I will love and respect God.
He does answer and he does care.

I found a piece of paper I wrote some verses on in May of 2000, for me 2000 was a time of pain and desperation. A time I was not sure I would get through, but god was there for me, holding me up. He knew that times would get worse that in 2001 I would loose the love of my life to tragedy, that the road ahead would be painful and hard, but through patience and faith I would get through.
This is one of those verses that I want to share with you.

Luke 21:2; In your Patients ye shall win your souls.


deltasierra said...

*Hugs!* Very inspiring words, Rhea – well said. :) I think it's something I needed to hear today, too.

God bless! :)