Thursday, March 27, 2008

crazy days

Ever wonder what my days are filled with, here you go... went to bed at 2am, sarah got up to eat at about 7 so i fed her she went back to sleep. i thought i would get a few more minutes of sleep before jake and marian woke up. 9am sarah woke up. jake and marian were alrady up watching tv and eating some yummy fruit, unfortunatly that meant smooshing strawberries on the floor AHHH!
Cleaned up that mess had breakfast, got everyone dressed (but me) now its 11am, sarah is tired so down for a nap she went. I folded some laundry but getting it put away is another thing! 12 jake and marian driving me crazy running around like maniacs! 12:30 we start to make lunch, they want raviolies. okay i admit i like them to!
Now here it is 1pm everyone is done eating, ive got to get jake working on some school work. sarah is still sleeping, marian is tired. i might be able to get her to have a nap for an hour or so. jacob is walking in circles talking about some barbie thing he saw on tv that he wants, dang it i hear the toilet flush AGAIN.....
later we will have dinner probably about 5pm. at 6:30 i will be leaving to go to a homeless feed that is as long as this head ache goes away. if not i have a book to finish reading and some knitting to catch up on. I'd really just like to sit and relax tonight so i will probably do that instead. i just looked at my finger nails and realized that i need to get polish remover. maybe tonight i will get in bed by 10, but i doubt it. then tomorrow all of it will start over again.

yep pretty great day huh.